Friday, November 7, 2008

Onder Vrouwen II

Yesterday I went to the theater to watch 'Onder Vrouwen II'. It really was hilarious and as the title says, the target audience was women. Nearly 99% of the audience were indeed women. A few minutes after the beginning, one of the three performing women told the audience (mainly targeted at the men) that they were allowed to leave (otherwise they would complain to their girlfriend/wife that they would not go with them ever again).
I found just a small link (in dutch) about it:

To all women (more to all the modern mothers), if you have the time try to catch a show!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

First blog

This is my first blog post to 'announce' this blog.
I am not sure what the topics of my blog posts will be and how often a new post will be there.
Let's just wait and see.