This day, 'oudjaarsdag', is a bit of a strange day as a working day. On the one hand, it is very nice to be in the office. There are just a few people working, so it is rather quite and you can get to some stuff that you did not get to before (because of discussions with and distractions of other people). Of course having few people in the office can cause a problem if just that person that can solve your problem is not in. On the other hand, I almost feel that I am missing the preparation of New Year's Eve (doing the last shopping, spending time at home and preparing it to make it (an even more) special day and evening).
During this time of year, there are a lot of articles, blogs, tv-shows about what happened in the year 2009 (and some try to have a peek into the year 2010). Although I also like these reflections, they often do not have anything to do with myself directly (although the recession is probably a good exception). So perhaps it will be a good idea to have my own reflection on 2009 (what did I like, what didn't I like, could I have done some things different / better) and of course try to set some realistic goals for 2010 (of course, world peace is what almost everyone will want, but that is a bit unrealistic as a personal goal).
Yesterday, I watched a programm to celebrate the 80th anniversary of Mies Bouwman and at the end, she was (of course) asked to make some comment. I really liked that she said that the basis of all, is her family / private life because 'that's what it is all about'. Funny thing is that my initial thoughts on the goals that I can already come up with are related to my family and my private life: spend more relaxed time with my family (instead of rushing all the time), take the bike more often, be a bit more patient with my children when they do exactly what I do not want them to do, actually throwing away some stuff instead of saying I have to do it.
Everybody have a nice new year's eve and a great 2010!